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Writer's picturealex alvergne

Why we must fight ignorance about Covid-19 vaccines and menstrual cycles

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed a critical gap in the female health science, fueling

anxiety, polarized views, and vaccine hesitancy. Although menstrual cycles feel like a “niche

topic” for some, efforts to augment knowledge on the “5th vital sign” experienced by 300

million people worldwide are crucial to promote gender equity in health.

In this latest paper I summarise what we know so far about Covid-19 vaccines and menstrual cycles. The take home message from the paper is that YES you might experience menstrual disturbances after vaccination but NO there are no data so far to suggest it has any serious health or fertility consequence. But it's not because it's not clinically significant that it does not bother people. We still have work to do, especially regarding hard to reach and marginalized populations.

How to cite: A. Alvergne, Why we must fight ignorance about Covid-19

vaccines and menstrual cycles, Trends in Molecular Medicine (2023),


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